Friday, November 4, 2011

I Tuned in and Dropped Out

Early November. Highs in the low sixties. This is the time of year that our grass is beautifully green. And yet, I do not need to mow it. It's too cold for it to grow. At the winter solstice the grass will be brown, or tan like straw. The same way it gets during the hottest part of the summer, when it is too scorched to thrive. So October/November is really when my airstrip looks best. And needs no mowing. I was walking on the strip yesterday. It felt so soft to my moccasins. Fearing it was soft because of dampness I did a little test I often do. I knelt down on one knee and put my weight there. Then I stood up and the corduroy of my trousers was perfectly dry. The airstrip is indeed perfect. The trees aren't even halfway turned. And New England has already had a snow storm!

I've been doing a lot of nothing lately. This is what I haven't been doing: mowing, writing in my Journal, taking my meds, following my diet, having campfires, going anywhere, clearing brush, picking up firewood, playing guitar, reading magazines that I subscribe to, walking Yukon the dog, playing with the airplane, working in the shop, playing with the Triumph, going on outings with wife and her father

This is what I have been doing: sleeping at all times of day- no more than three hours at a time, following news on the computer, watching retro TV and old movies, writing a very few little posts like this one, daydreaming, reading, watching the weather without going out in it. Recharging I hope. Perhaps just being lazy.

In the process of keeping track of the economy and current events yesterday I noticed something I thought was odd. The headlines rattled off. Such as "Obama in France", candidate "Cain" in trouble over scandal, Will EU bail out the going broke Greece, Sexy Lohan gets 30 days, Connecticut still with power outages. And then this little tiny almost footnote remark about Obama mentioning sanctions on Iran during his conversations with the French President.

Is anyone else troubled, surprised and uncomfortable about this? Here we have the regular stuff. A snowstorm, a minor earthquake, a belly landing of an airliner in Warsaw,......and oh yes, also there is a country that is developing nuclear weapons because they want to destroy the world starting with the United States. This country believes in a doctrine that includes killing infidels, those who are not followers of Islam. This is in their holy writings and is their holy quest. And by the way, they don't care if they die in the process of killing everyone else. In fact they believe it's even better that way. They will be impossible to stop. And back to our CNN studios........" a third woman has now come forward in the Cain scandal......

Wait, can you go back to that story about the inevitable thermonuclear exchange? What are we trying to do about it? Are we trying to be politically correct to Iran before they wipe New York off the map? I didn't catch what will happen next because you moved on to the story about the Bride who was texting while walking down the isle.

Just another news day. I guess I really don't have to worry about global warming or QE3 .

I think Sam Harris is right. Deal with religion now. It's the elephant in the room that will make all our other problems in the headlines go away. But in a very bad way.

Let's see... flip on the cable...what are my chances of finding that damn TV channel clicker?

Fox news? I'm strangely sexually aroused by that Ann Coulter. Hmm. MSNBC? I'm strangely aroused by that lesbian lady Rachel Maddow. CNN? Bingo! We 'ave a wiiiner! Now they have Erin Burnett!! OMG
LLITTY :::::+:::::

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