Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Car with an Incurable Disease

I have type 2 diabetes. Fortunately my case is moderately mild. The disease has a tendency to progress so I will be in real trouble in the future and perhaps die from it, or from complications arising from it. I've been told that the disease has been "cured" in pigs. And that lab rats can be given the disease and then "cured". I'm hoping for that cure. Really hoping for that cure.

I've sometimes wondered what it would be like to have conventional medicine work on my car. I would take my car to the Doctor: Hi Doc. Getting the appointment way far ahead and doing all the paperwork and insurance verification to make sure I can afford you wasn't too bad. And the wait was actually tolerable. Your nurse has done everything on my car for you. The symptoms, the vitals, the questionnaire. My car has been weighed. My car's ancestry has been gone over. We've answered the questions about whether any other cars from the same factory have had this malady. Going back to 1920. So now I have this valuable 90 seconds with you while other cars are waiting in the next stalls to see you too. I'm going to get the help my poor car needs. Every time I start it up, It steams and the engine light comes on and it hisses doc.

"LloydLou, your car has a disease. Don't worry, it's fairly common. It's called "overheating". Now that I've done the diagnosis I'll be recommending a specialist for you. I don't actually work with cars that have "overheating". The specialist will help you. He will teach you what you will need to know to take care of your car now that it has this disease. He'll show you how to let the engine cool down. He'll install an expensive instrument called a water temperature gauge that will work in conjunction with your engine light. He'll probably tell you to add water to the radiator every day. Usually it's every time you operate the car. He'll explain that it is better to use a coolant called anti freeze which is more expensive than water. As a matter of fact if you use water, your car will blow up. He will be able to explain why that happens. I have a free sample of anti freeze you may have, It's the kind I recommend. The representative from that anti freeze company was just here yesterday. The specialist will caution you that overheating is a progressive disease. You see, when your car steams and hisses, that's bad. And the more times it does that the more it affects other parts of your car. Parts that you don't understand. The engine, the hoses, the radiator, the water pump, the oil pump etc. But don't worry too much. There are specialists that can help you with these components. Eventually, you will need a new engine, and sadly your car will of course die eventually from this disease. Good luck with the specialist. And remember to take you water temperature every day and add water. Your 90 seconds are up. Stop by the front counter for scheduling and billing. I'll see you in three months."

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