Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Repent. The End of the World

I'm really interested in the claim that the world will end on May 21, 2011. Eleven days from now. I'm surprised that it has gotten so little press. No one I know is really very interested in it. It's just one more crazy guy and his followers saying the end is near. It's been said for thousands of years and nobody has got it right yet. The big day comes and goes and we all laugh at the fools who believed it. Sometimes the fools kill themselves. We all knew better. The crazy doomsdayers usually follow a charismatic leader. Maybe they drink Kool aid. We all know better. Maybe they wait at a special place to watch the non believers suffer and fall into a lake of fire. They are dumb crackpots. We all know better. Why waste our time listening to their predictions. OK. I get it. You're right. Just a few crazies. When I talk about May 21 I am boring you.

Please let me explain why I think May 21 2011 is interesting. Bear with me. I'm nuts too. But hear me out.

1. The people doing this are not alien worshiping trekies. They are bible believing Christians. They are devout Christians. They are not claiming anything that can not be found in the bible.

2. They are not open to debate on this. No one is allowed to even comment on it, without being told they are associated with the Devil.

3. They believe that the "church age" ended in 1988. Anyone going to church today is worshiping under the Devil.

4. Their leader, Harold Camping, claims no supernatural connection to God. He is not a minister, pastor, or PhD.

Now for my opinion. And why the heck I care about this. I am sick and tired of Christians getting a free pass on their bible. The same bible that Harold Camping has been studying all these years. He and his followers are "crazy" for predicting the end of the world on May 21. But Christians are perfectly sane when they believe that the first human woman was made from a rib of the first man. And that all men are under the curse and wrath of their god and require a "savior" from the very god that created them. And that subjugating women, and slavery, and child killing and honor killing are acceptable. I'm tired of the bad stuff in the bible getting a free pass. Harold Camping's end of the world scenario is just as valid as this other nasty stuff we're to believe in in order to get to heaven, and avoid hell. We are to accept "creation" as an explanation of human existence in the universe. The entire body of knowledge concerning "creation" is two pages in the bible. I'm sick of it being given an equal stance against science. Where the body of knowledge is ever increasing and self correcting. So, if you want to believe that Harold Camping and Family Radio are "insane". I'm with you. And we can all have a nice laugh on May 21st. But we should criticize the "inerrant" bible for all the rest of it's insane stuff while we are at it. It's time for non believers to start putting the whole bible in the face of Christians. The really bad stuff. It just might make them re evaluate their "loving" god of Abraham. The biggest myth in Christianity is that the belief system is "good news". This is why Christians don't want to challenge Mr. Camping. They know he knows much more about their bible than they do. They want to distance themselves from him. But they believe in the same bible he believes in and there is no distance. The same bible that is the only thing they have. It is more and more under computer age scrutiny. And this end of the world stuff comes from people in their own ranks, and they are stuck with the crazy people and they are stuck with the crazy verses. Like 2 Kings 2, 23-24 . It may take 200 years, but it will all come down. Don't be mad at me if you believe. It's just my opinion. I could be wrong. And I firmly believe in Peace on Earth and Good Will toward men. You believers pray for me. You non believers know from whence I come. On May 21st I'll be at the Horn Point fly-in. Weather permitting! And I mean that in the scariest way. LLITTY :::::+:::::

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