Thursday, January 4, 2024

adventures of a 70 yr. old man on the dc beltway friday night christmas holiday

 Hi friends.   I've been a chatterbox recently.  Mostly just talking to myself.  And to my wife.  Because, as you know I have shut myself off for four years or so now.  Maintaining  "Radio Silence".

Happy New Year by the way!  It's still ok to say Merry Christmas as we have not yet reached Twelth Night.  I could talk a lot about being a shut- in hermit.  But I'm not going to.  I want to talk about a few days I had during Dec. that picked me up and threw me out into the world.   On Dec. 14th I got a text from my nephew George the twin  He told me via a text to my wife that dear friends had invited me to a Christmas party the following night.  At their house on the Western Shore.  They are not really just friends.  They are my second family that I love as much as my own family.  I asked my wife  "How can I do this?  I can't drive at night.  D.C. traffic even in broad daylight ... my heart insulin, my leg, I need a bathroom and my meds near.  and I...  well... I would love to go...but..  My wife said that it is rumored on face book that Paul and Johnny will be there.  "What! I said.  You see I had had a bit of a falling out with Paul although I love him like a brother and always will.  And Johnny had a battle with cancer that was ongoing and life threatening and I had been praying extra hard for him for some time and I had heard from wife that he had gone into remission a couple of months before with some off the chart recovery  with ahead of the art chemo.   Johnny will be there.   I had no time to think about this if I was to go tomorrow.  My wife was shuffling her schedule already for that Fri. 15 tomorrow.  Since I would not be available to take care of horse and other animules.  I hardly slept that night before,  thinking of a small overnight bag,  my little travel guitar,  a small bag of meds, insulin, emergency candy.  I seemed to be more alive.  More positive.  Happier?  I had made a reservation at the Hilton where RT.1 meets the Beltway in College Park my Alma Mater town.  I had to get there before dark and Fridays on the Bay Bridge can be log jams.  Corolla topped with gas,  bridge traffic but no delay.  I check into the Hilton and my friend Kevin picks me up and we head for the party.  As we drive through College Park I realize a town can change a lot in 40 years.  At the front door admiring classic Christmas trim,  the door opens and there is Paul to meet us.  He is smiling. Gleaming. And we are shaking hands and we don't let go.  Johnny steps up to me and we hug and I've lost it by now and the party crowd was talking and visiting and they paused and looked our way a moment and sent out a communal ahh!           There's a lot more I can say.  My outlook opened to something.  Christmas spirit?  I had many more adventures through Advent and Christmas and like the Grinch my heart was growing.   Love you readers!                                                     LLITTY    :::::+:::::