Thursday, January 26, 2012

Look Thru Any Window

Now as I type I look out the window. It's a day that appears neutral. Not blue sky. Not stormy. No precipitation. Not sunset just yet. You couldn't say it was a beautiful day. But I live on a little farm. I'm retired. We have pets tame and wild. Our house is leaky and we experience the weather inside too. So no day is just neutral. Let me look out the window again and take in the details. The geese have been flying in huge record breaking flocks. Literally miles long. The days getting a bit longer as we approach groundhog day and the half quarter. I can feel the deepest temperature part of winter coming in. The average temperature for this time of year is a high of 47 degrees. I would be happy if we had that average high temperature. It seems we often don't. Last year temps were way below average. This year it's been pretty good. No snow, no flooding, no frozen pipes. I shouldn't say a word. I should only knock on wood. We've got February to get through. I need to get outside and walk every day or I lose the battle with my glucose intolerance. I need to finish winterizing my engine driven tools and toys so they will start in the Spring. I see my wife walking to the mailbox with our dog "Yukon". I figure we've got about five weeks to go and the threat of a big pipe freezing deep freeze will be over. I sort of hope we get one really big snow just to make it interesting. But I want it to go away quickly and be followed by Spring. I have two aviation thoughts every time I look out the window. First I need to buy, borrow, or lease an aircraft I can fly under rules they call "light sport". And second, this would be an awful day to try to soar in a sailplane. Happy Groundhog Day. One week away. Well, I just can't gaze out the window all afternoon. I'm an important guy with things to do. The only thing on my schedule today was bringing the emptied trash can back up to the house. But I see my wife has already done that. It's very cloudy. But that might make for a beautiful sunset.

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