Saturday, April 10, 2010

make me king and i will send down new commandments

I read a piece the other day about social and legal systems. One of the things the writer said was: "You either have a system where people are controlled, or not controlled". The same day a friend e mailed me his opinion that some people want to be told what to do, and other people want to be left alone. These statements are so simple and general, that they are, of course, of little use. We all oversimplify things because of our limited understanding of things. If I had to simplify social and legal systems I would say: "It's the "haves" vs the " have nots". Generalizations do work, if only in defining where ideological differences lie. Whether it's a question of "control" or "not having", there really are not two sides. We all want control. We all want to "have". It's difficult to come up with a set of laws for everyone to live by. Folks are different. In culture, in need, in bias, in strengths, in weaknesses, in mores and morality. No matter what set of rules a society draws up, some won't like the rules. Others will "selectively enforce" the rules. Others will vie to change the rules. Some may want to "revolt" and put in a whole set of rules.
I think we live in interesting times. I think the internet has changed the entire dynamic of how "societies" will come together. Old "black and white" "yes or no" choices are fine perhaps for primitive cultures. Keep it simple. You steal something- we cut off your hand. You don't believe in the current "God" we cut off your head. Occasionally a new tribe comes in and kills us all and we start over again.
This old system has a set of rules called the "Ten Commandments". The Ten Commandments in today's world, just serve to hold us back. We need new commandments. Not sent down from an angry deity. Not anything to do with religion(except of course freedom of religion) Something along the lines of the bill of rights. I feel like I could write a few basic rules, but of course some would not like the new rules. Pretend that you were writing these new rules. What rules would you make? I hate the Ten Commandments, and it would take too long to explain all of the ten commandment's problems here. There are books dedicated to that. I'll just say one thing about the ten commandments which is so egregious I just have to mention it. The first four commandments have to do with "God" making clear that he is in charge, and can not be questioned. So the first 40% of the great ten commandments are written by a God who is extremely insecure in his authority. So insecure that he makes these "worship me" rules first on the list. On my list, I would use "thou shalt not steal". It's valid today. "Thou shalt not steal" also implies that there should be a right to private property. If I made commandments, I would like to have something in there about private property. Except my list would not include women and slaves as property as those old commandments do. Why again do we value the old commandments and want them as a "model" or "starting point" for modern rules? There's another old commandment I would use: the false witness one. I hate liars. So I would use two of the ten. I would want something in my commandments about basic human rights. When I think about my list of rules and how "right" it would be, it would still be subject to the caveats of life and it's gray areas. Let me list a few adjectives that I use to help define life, law and happiness. I've been saying these for years and they are in my wallet and on my wall at my desk. Everything in life is: TEMPORARY, SITUATIONAL, RELATIVE, PERSONAL, and CUMULATIVE. Without understanding the breadth of the gray areas, you can't even scratch the surface of what it means to make laws for mankind. Speaking of dilemmas, I am pro guns, and anti religion. Is there a wing nut wacko group out there for me?

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