Thursday, September 23, 2010

Celebrate the Quarter

There are four real earth holidays that belong to all of us. Two solstices and two equinoxes. Today is the day of the Autumnal Equinox. Now the days will start slowly getting shorter as we head for the holidays. The weather has been indescribably beautiful. There is a full moon. A harvest moon. Which happens rarely on the actual equinox. But it is happening now. Last night I mowed by the light of the harvest moon. Then it clouded up and we actually got thunder and a touch of rain. I looked at the moon through binocs during the day yesterday and it was spectacular. The winter solstice has Christmas. The summer solstice has 4th of july. The vernal equinox has Easter. But what has the autumnal equinox? Labor day? That's a lame holiday. Going back to school? That's already happened. I want to celebrate these four important holidays of the sun. The natural holidays. The calender holidays. The earth's cycle holidays. We all get to celebrate them. Regardless of our culture, race, or religion. These four sun holidays can remind us that we all live on one planet. We all depend on one planet. We have to be good roommates. Race. What is race. The DNA between races amounts to about one tenth of one percent! We are the same. Folks. I want to celebrate the holidays we all naturally own. If you have a deity that you worship and a certain day is his holiday, fine. Don't expect others to respect that day. But four times a year there are these sun holidays. You can't deny them. And say, "Oh I don't believe in the shortest day of the year." We all live and we all die on planet earth. Fed by star Sun. I think we should all be off work and school today.

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