Monday, August 22, 2011

The Late Summerness Now.

Hihowareya. I love this time of the year. The late summer is just excellent. Yes, storms can be severe. And there are hurricanes down south. All our critters are a bit pumped up because it's easier to move around now that the heat waves are mostly over. Today is so pristine I may just sit on the deck and bask in the breeze.

I'm in a life transition. I'm adjusting to not having my companion "Jake the dog". I'm adjusting to not having my airman medical. I'm adjusting to changes in medications that will improve my blood sugar control from sub optimal to near optimal. That control doesn't come easy because it's not all about medication. I have to do the tedious work of testing, exercise, and diet. I am a believer in low carb as a diabetes treatment. Many "experts" think low carb is dangerous.

I walk through these adjustments and I watch summer end toward Labor Day. My strongest emotion now is thankfulness. I have some wonderful events coming up in the future and they are certainly worth looking forward to. In October, wife and I are going to California. We shall visit son. Wife shall do L.A. things. I shall sneak off for three days to do some sailplane flying.

But I'm not going to wait my life away thinking about the future. Because I learned from my dog Jake that "now" is where life is. Now is typing to you. Now is feeling better. Now is enjoying wife and friend in the house with me. Now is the blue unhazed sky which looks like fall except with green trees. Now is today and the now- future of the deck, a little mowing, working on cars for fun with friend, birthday dinner with wife.

It's therapy to be in the now. It's therapy to be thankful. I'm thankful for the now.

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