Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cimate Change E-Mail Scandel

I haven't read the famous e-mails that some "bad guy" scientists have been caught with. Apparently they were cooking the books to make Global Warming worse than it really is. I know almost nothing of the facts of the e-mails. I know almost nothing about atmospheric phenomena. But I must comment anyway. The first thing that popped into my simple mind was, "Why would a scientist scew his hard earned data"? If he does that, he's not a real scientist. And he'll eventually be caught in the lie because the next guy to experiment in that area will find him out. Maybe I'm naive, but I thought that all the fun in science was about satisfying one's curiosity. If you doctor the data, you won't learn anything. I can't understand the motivation. Why risk toasting your career? I gotta think there is more to this story, and the story has another slant to it, to defame the idea of man- made global warming. I can see why someone might want to cook the books to show there is no man-made climate threat. So they can keep the factories and power plants, and cars going the way they want. But why would someone want to falsify research to hide the good news that climate change is not as big a threat as we thought it was! Someone suggested it was because the scientists involved would be out of a job if they told the truth. They wouldn't be needed any more and they would have no more grant money. I simply can't believe that. The work they are doing is very important right now, even if they find out man-made climate change is negligible. I hope it is negligible. Remember my post about Creationists? They figured if they could just stop Darwin's work in it's tracks, by discrediting it, then we could all just go back to Genesis and forget all about it. So now, the status quo lovers at Fox news and the right wing Christians want us to know that the bad scientists are faking the data, so now lets just forget global warming and that wacko Al Gore and face the next ice age or drought as it comes. Just like when General Motors taught us back in the nineties that we can never have an electric car. I think that the sad flaw in this kind of inflexible thinking is that no matter how this scandal comes out, the scientists will keep studying the atmosphere. And keep learning. We'll find out. Even the skeptics will agree that we're in a warming era right now. Even if it's not man made. We need to keep working on it. And history has shown us, that once the Genie is out of the bottle, there is no turning back and putting our heads in the oil enriched sand. LloydLou ITTU :::::+:::::

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